Orbital docking performance on the 1400 dataset compared with other popular docking software.
  top1 avg_ShapeRMSD top5 avg_ShapeRMSD top1 avg_RMSD top5 avg_RMSD SuccessCount
Accutar Rerank 0.858651293 0.637538778 1.769472363 1.032891272 1441
UCSF_FLX_FLEXIBLE 1.352609299 0.890155312 2.634079219 1.484691792 1431
UCSF_FLX_RIGID 1.831002016 1.250156037 3.814842201 2.497495059 1433
AutoDock Vina 1.354831147 0.895898547 2.770003983 1.586554709 1433
Rosetta 1.291723616 0.923275125 2.755971552 1.728418176 1418